The Castle ‘Budawangs’ Itinerary

Note: These climbs include extra buffer time, but hopefully we will be able to do it in shorter times and reach back to campsite earlier, ideally around 7:30PM

Don’t forget to read Sydhikers disclaimer here.

16th January
4:30 AMDeparture from Sydney (There will be 4 cars pooling the drive, Car pool plan will be shared later this week)See Details
8:45 AMArrival on Long Gully Car ParkSee Details
9:15 AMWalk starts by crossing Yadboro RiverSee Details
2:30 PMArrive at Cooyoyo Campsite, start setting up camps (If anyone wants to camp on top he needs to unload and packup light stuff from here)See Details
3:15 PMStart the climb to The Castle
5:15 PMArrive on Top, Take pics etc.
6:45 PMStart climb down
8:00 PMHead back to Campsite and enjoy the Best view of Sunset (Sun will set around 8:15PM)
9:00 PMFinish your dinner and other stuff
NIGHT Jokes? Horror Stories? Do whatever you want and sleep
17th January
7:00 AMWakey Wakey…
8:00 AMFinish your brekkie and start back
12:00 PMReach Car Park
1:00 PMDrive Back
4:30-5:00 ishHome Sweet Home
LaterBlock Tahir from social Media and every other place for putting you in so much trouble.

Start from Sydney

4 volunteered cars will pick up individuals based on the plan which will be shared later this week or early next week. Each car will coordinate with the admins and depart separately to save time.

Long Gully Car Park

Park the car here, set up your backpacks – Any last wish? lol

Details of the hike from Car Park to the Campsite

Total distance7.37 KMs
Max elevation691 meters
Total climbing733 meters
Total descent-245 meters
Average speed2.80 km/h
Total time04:15:00

Sharpen your cameras.

Yadboro River Crossing

River is a bit high, pretty much upto knees so we need to take off our shoes – And go full naked (just kidding). And the journey starts….

Cooyoyo Campsite

That’s our staging area. The sunset here is awesome. There is a water creek nearby too if we get short of water. Any change of minds or too tired people can wait here, they don’t have to climb up if they don’t want.

The Climb

We have to go light on top, so our best bet is to put the gear in our camps and carry a small bag pack with your water and snacks – and ofcourse cameras and drones – and torches (in case it gets dark).

The Castle

Its all yours. Pictures, videos whatever you want – Just don’t jump off the cliff – Life is beautiful.

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